Molang Kindness Club: How to deal with cyberbullying with Marco

In this new episode of Kindness Club, Molang and Piu Piu are in the middle of a gaming session when Molang receives hate messages online. Saddened, Molang calls on the ultimate hero - Marco (you may have recognized him 🍄👨🔧) - to help him deal with the nasty comments and gain confidence! 🛡️💬
Together, our two Youtubers will learn three golden rules to overcome cyberbullying! ⭐⭐⭐
Who are trolls and what is their purpose?
Trolls are often numerous and appear everywhere on the Internet. Most of the time, they hide their identity behind a pseudonym, an easy way to speak out in public while feeling untouchable.
Trolls often feel secure in their anonymity, so it's easy for them to spread hatred - they don't seem to take what they say seriously.
This anonymity on the Internet often poses problems, especially when it comes to identifying trolls. Fortunately, the justice system has more and more resources to track down and identify their identity.
Their main aim is to provoke other users, most often with insults or hateful comments that can sometimes go very far.
The aim is to get others to get angry and respond with hatred: as Marco does by provoking Molang, who eventually gives in by responding viciously too.
Working together to combat cyberbullying
To begin with, you can fight cyberbullying individually by refusing to play the troll's game and not responding to comments. While this may seem unfair or frustrating, it's the first, most accessible and mature solution to online violence.
But there are limits to what you can do on your own, especially when you feel overwhelmed by the situation. That's why it's important to use social networking tools to report malicious users. You can also file a complaint with the authorities.
To effectively combat cyberbullying, you need to raise public awareness through concrete prevention initiatives. This is particularly important for young people, in schools for example, via associations specializing in the subject, but also directly on the Internet.
Finally, don't hesitate to ask for help if you are a victim or witness of cyberbullying.
Marco's advice on cyberbullying
⭐ First golden rule: don't respond to trolls, not even a “mamma mia!
⭐ Second golden rule: Talk about it and ask for help.
⭐ Third golden rule: Report trolls as often as possible, capisci?
Where can I get help to look after my mental health?
If you or a Pinco you know witnesses or is a victim of cyberbullying, it's important to act quickly and take the necessary legal steps.
If you need help, the first thing to do is to talk to those closest to you, whether family or friends, as their help can be invaluable. But sometimes the help of those closest to us is not enough.
In this case, it's just as important to turn to medical professionals such as a psychologist or General Practioner.
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